Brushwork – Tuesday 30th September

Neoterra Bolts - click to enlarge

Well, it’s been a bit of a journey, but I finally made it – all of my Infinity models painted before I get my copy of Operation Icestorm!

I’ll be picking up Icestorm this weekend at a local show, Blast-tastic, so I made sure I cracked on and finished these guys!

First up, my Swiss Guard with Missile Launcher:

Swiss Guard with Missile Launcher - click to enlarge
Swiss Guard with Missile Launcher – click to enlarge
Swiss Guard with Missile Launcher - click to enlarge
Swiss Guard with Missile Launcher – click to enlarge
Swiss Guard with Missile Launcher - click to enlarge
Swiss Guard with Missile Launcher – click to enlarge

He’s one of my favourite models in the PanO range – the bulk of his armour looks great, and there are a lot of intricate panel lines on him. It’s almost a shame he starts the game as a TO marker!

Next up were the pair of Neoterra Bolts who were left over. Here they are pictured with the third Bolt I own:

Neoterra Bolts - click to enlarge
Neoterra Bolts – click to enlarge
Neoterra Bolts - click to enlarge
Neoterra Bolts – click to enlarge

I absolutely love these models – they really show off the high-tech side to PanOceania, and I can’t wait to pick up the special weapons box of them soon.

EDIT: It’s just occurred to me that I completely missed out my Teutonic Knight in the initial post! Here he is now. He was painted slightly differently to the others – instead of the usual Mechrite Red recipe, I went with a base coat of Khorne Red, washed with Agrax Earthshade, rehighlighted with Khorne Red, then a stage of Mephiston Red and then a Fiery Orange final highlight to see what kind of difference it makes. I actually really like the deeper red it’s given him, and it doesn’t look too odd next to the rest of the models.

Teutonic Knight with Spitfire - click to enlarge
Teutonic Knight with Spitfire – click to enlarge
Teutonic Knight with Spitfire - click to enlarge
Teutonic Knight with Spitfire – click to enlarge
Teutonic Knight with Spitfire - click to enlarge
Teutonic Knight with Spitfire – click to enlarge

So, with these guys all done, what’s left? Well, technically nothing, although I do have a little bit of a confession – during the lead up to these last few models being complete, I acquired a Reverend Custodier from my good friend Darren. I also found the Acontecimento Regular I was given a while back in a box while I was hunting for some bases. Also, this weekend I was away in Cardiff on my Stag Do, and so I paid a little visit to Firestorm Games where I picked up a Sakiel with Spitfire. However, I didn’t add these into my ‘left to complete’ total. I’m not counting these because they were bought after I’d set my target, and because I say they don’t count 😉

Still, here they are – the Custodier will be a good test-bed for my Nomad colour scheme, which I want to partly match any Haqq I get, especially those which can be used in a Qapu Khalqi sectorial, so the look of the army matches. The Sakiel is there to add some extra punch to my Tohaa, while the Acontecimento Regular will be a tester for the commission PanO that my friend wants done:

Sakiel with Spitfire, Acontecimento Regular, Reverend Custodier (work in progress) - click to enlarge
Sakiel with Spitfire, Acontecimento Regular, Reverend Custodier (work in progress) – click to enlarge
Sakiel with Spitfire, Acontecimento Regular, Reverend Custodier (work in progress) - click to enlarge
Sakiel with Spitfire, Acontecimento Regular, Reverend Custodier (work in progress) – click to enlarge

In other, non-Infinity news, I also picked up a Dreadball team (after months of saying I would) while I was at Firestorm – the Robots. I must say, for the price, they’re great, and I’ll likely not need to buy any more in a hurry, unless I plan on getting the MVPs or if I have a bit of cash burning a hole in my pocket to get the expansion set. The casting quality isn’t the best I’ve seen (but then, I’ve been buying from Corvus Belli for the past 18 months or so, so I’ve been spoilt by their impeccable quality!), but for the price, these guys are more than adequate for Dreadball, which to me seems like a neat little side game and not something I’ll be taking too seriously!

Dreadball Robots (work in progress) - click to enlarge
Dreadball Robots (work in progress) – click to enlarge

I plan to paint these in the style of one of the G1 Transformers, although which one I’ve not decided on yet. I’m leaning towards Hot Rod, since he was one of my favourites as a kid, and has a nice, bright colour scheme, but I’ll have to experiment a bit in Photoshop before I make a decision.

Also, I’ve been working on some Ultramarines for a friend – I’ve near-completed one (aside from his base and squad/chapter markings), and he’s got a squadmate to go with him now (again, sans badges and base):

Ultramarine Assault Marines (work in progress) - click to enlarge
Ultramarine Assault Marines (work in progress) – click to enlarge

I’ve always liked the Ultramarine colour scheme, and these have actually been quite nice to paint – given that they’re simple line highlights and washes in the recesses they’re relatively quick as well – the only downside is that I have to give these back when they’re done!

In addition to a ten man Assault Squad, my friend has also asked me to paint up a Chaplain, Command Squad and Razorback (although I’ve not photographed the Razorback in this instance):

Ultramarine Command Squad - click to enlarge
Ultramarine Command Squad – click to enlarge
Ultramarine Command Squad - click to enlarge
Ultramarine Command Squad – click to enlarge

Well, that’s all from me for now. Next time I’ll be posting the test scheme for the PanO commission!


  1. Minor goalpost moving aside, thats very impressive backlog clearance. Well done.

    I saw Dreadball bots painted in the Constructicon palette, they looked pretty good. My only reservation with Hot Rod is that the flame effects could be hard work, plus they tend to remind me more of Bayformers than G1.

    DreadBall is great fun, although the robots are not the easiest team to learn with. The basic Human Corporation team is a great, competitive team and definitely the one that I would recommend learning the game via. The Robots will be less satisfying to play with initially at least, plus their shapeshifting role changing may make the basics slightly more difficult to get to grips with.

    Im looking forward to seeing the bots painted 🙂

  2. Thanks!

    Funnily enough Darren had suggested the Constructicon colours to me as well – although if it’s been done before then I’ll likely avoid it. Perhaps the Predacons (which are pretty much the same colours as Hot Rod) could be an option instead?

    That’s good advice, thanks – I may practice with the human rules I guess to begin with before I tackle (pun intended) the Robots fully.

  3. Unlike a lot of systems, where the baseline human faction is a dull benchmark, this is not the case in DreadBall. The basic human team, although probably not as good as a couple of the later teams due to some power creep is still a solid team in contention at tournaments. Additionally they are just fun to play with, lots of cool running pass plays, generally dynamic. Their paint scheme may not be terribly inspired but I am quite fond of my OCP Patriots 🙂

    Your PanO models are halfway to having a Predacon palette already.

  4. Very nice work and congrats to completing this batch of minis! The red shade you chose looks very good indeed and I find the subtle highlights very pleasing to the eye. The contrasting white for the weapons works equally well.

    The only improvement I could see would be to add more detail to the bases.

  5. Thanks for the compliments! I can see where you’re coming from with the bases, but to my eyes they’re detailed enough for the most part – any more and it may distract the eye from the model itself 🙂

  6. I like the red on the Bolts alot! its a great scheme, and a welcome change to the blues they are usually painted in. Shows that the colors are never set in stone. Great work on the backlog as well, and it’s encouraging to me with my own backlog! 🙂

    1. Thanks! I try to avoid studio schemes wherever possible, so that my models are truly ‘mine’. It was a bit of a slog getting through everything, but worth it in the end!

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